Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Food Inc

The movie Food Inc. was an interesting movie I think it had a lot of many good facts involving the food that is being produced and distributed throughout the United States, but I did not agree with a few of the facts that were used to degrade the beef industry.
In chapter one they brought up workers rights, which is a major issue our country; the workers that are often hired by the major companies don’t have any rights because more than not are illegal migrants. It is cheaper for the companies to hire illegal workers, as they need them, than for them to have legal workers on staff full time, which would include them having to provide benefits.
Chapter two was focused on the mass amount of corn in almost everything that we eat, which is crazy to think that 90% of our food has corn in it. A point was brought up pertaining to the knowledge of consumers and the amount of corn in everything, do the producers want the consumers to know, why don’t more people know. This is an interesting point, it doesn’t matter to the producers if the consumers know, the consumers aren’t buying the corn specifically from them, the companies and corporations are buying it from them and then selling it. I personally think that if the consumers would pay more attention to the world around them they would have to think about where all the corn was. In the summer time there is corn in a field wherever you look all over the world, why is it such a surprise to the consumers that there is corn in our food. The consumers could easily get on the internet and research corn and realize how much of it is in our food.
Chapter three brought up a very touchy issue involving the beef industry as a result of Kevin Kowlacyk’s death from diseased meat. The death of a young boy is a very sad thing to hear about as a result of the lack of responsibility from the USDA taking control. Once again in this chapter thProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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went back to corn and how too much corn is being fed to the cattle and that the right way to feed cattle is only grass. They say that our meat would be so much better if the cattle were grown on grass, it would be more organic meat. But, just because they are grown on grass doesn’t mean it’s organic. There is a time period of many years it takes for grass to technically be organic after being fertilized with manhandled fertilizer. In addition there is not enough grass to handle the large amounts of cattle that our consumers are demanding. There is a period of time when the grass has to recover and revitalize itself. In addition all of the grass that has the possibilities of feeding the cattle is being destroyed and turned into housing developments. Finally in different parts of the United States cattle cannot survive solely on grass through the winter.
Chapter four brought up the serious point of fast food and how cheap it is in comparison to healthy food. Fast food is cheaper due to the mass production of it, there is so much supply and demand for it that they can sell it cheaper to the consumers and still make a lot of money.
In Chapter five Eduardo Pena points out the fact that, “ We want to pay the cheapest price for our food. We don’t understand that it comes at a price.” I agree with him there are so many risks in the future for paying the cheap price now. The fattening unhealthy substances that are in the cheap food cause so many health risks and even lead to death from them for our future.
Chapter six brought up the interesting point of bigger companies owning the smaller companies, but still using their name in the selling process. They do this so they still keep the values and innocence of the smaller companies in their selling process.
This documentary has opened my eyes, but yet still has me in a little bit of disbelief. For the part of the documentary that I was knowledgeable at, the beef industry, there were parts that were inaccurate and false, which makes it hard for me to take the other information as fact and not doubt it. So taking that into consideration it has made me think about what I eat more, I have caught myself eating food and think about what is in it, but I haven’t stopped eating any specific food due to the documentary. Finally, to change things people can buy from companies that have good morals, buy from farmers markets, and eat out less. http://wheremyheartresides.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/food_inc_5x7_v31.jpg