For the past two months we have been studying epic movies. Half of that time we watched Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the other half we watched our own epic movie and made a presentation comparing our personal movie and Lord of the Rings. It has been an interesting experience. I had never watched the Lord of the Rings before, it was interesting, it wasn’t as appealing to me as others in my class, but it opened my eyes a little wider. It was really LONG, it really fulfilled the term epic. The movie that I compared to Lord of the Rings was Thelma and Louise. I had never thought of the movie as epic until I watched the Lord of the Rings, it amazed me to see how many traits each movie had in common.
First of all, Shane’s movie Princes Bride was a very good comparison. Shane had many parallels throughout his presentation. Starting with his epic hero, both Westley and Both of these characters had to complete a mission to save something or someone. Shane not only had character parallels he had scene parallels as well. He compared the formation of the fellowship to right before they raided the castle in Princess Bride. Shane did an awesome job at presenting, as he presented I could kind of visualize the scene that he was talking about even though I had never seen the movie. Throughout his whole presentation he had awesome pictures that were perfect for each slide.

Second, Ironman Reece’s comparison; it was interesting to listen to because it sounded like hknew his movie especially well and all of the input that he got from his fellow classmates. It was interesting to listen to all the different inputs and ideas about the movie. The graphics throughout the entire presentation were awesome. For example, when he put Gollom’s and Stane’s pictures against each other they related just in physical characteristics before he compared their personalities. Also, another time when he used this organization was when he put Sam’s picture against Rhodey’s both of them carried the same physical characteristics and held themselves the same way. I also thought it interesting when Reece talked about the supernatural forces. How he identified that there were no real supernatural, but he considered the suit and it’s abilities to enhance every part of Starks abilities except for his brain. The geographical setting was between Malibu and Afghanistan multiple times, which relates more to the geographical setting of Lord of the Ring. Even the sizes of the settings were parallels in this comparison.

My final choice was Justine’s movie Harry Potter. Her presentation had a lot of parallels, both character and location parallels. For example Justine paralleled Sam with both Hermione and Ron, they both filled the spot for Harry that Sam filled for Frodo. All three of them were loyal to their friend and stuck with them through thick and thin. I also like how Justine went farther to categorize Hagrid and Legolas as sub heroes. She said that Hagrid was one of the only adults that Harry was able to tell every thing to. She also said that Legolas as smart, loyal, and extremely talented with a bow!! Justine had great pictures and parallels throughout her entire presentation. It was also really cool to listen to her go back and forth between French and English.
This section was interesting and I learned a lot from it!!
Hi Shelby. You covered you 3 presentations. You need more back up on Shane's (what did you visualize?) I counted 4 run on's in the first section and 2 fragments in the 3rd section. Ironman image is not correct here. Post WC on this, please. Revise for credit upgrade!
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